which fire extinguisher is used for electrical fire?

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In the event of a fire, knowing the five classes can help you to use the most effective fire extinguishing agents and techniques to safely suppress the flames.

which fire extinguisher is used for electrical fire?

Using Class C Fire Extinguishers: Safely Tackling Electrical Fires


Fire safety is a critical concern in both residential and commercial settings. While fire extinguishers come in various classes, it's essential to know which type to use for different types of fires. When it comes to fires involving electrical equipment or live electrical components, Class C fire extinguishers are the recommended choice. In this blog, we will explore why Class C fire extinguishers are suitable for electrical fires and how they work to keep you safe.

Understanding Class C Fire Extinguishers:

Class C fire extinguishers are specifically designed to combat electrical fires. These extinguishers contain agents like sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate, which are non-conductive materials. This non-conductive property is crucial when dealing with electrical fires because it prevents the extinguisher from conducting electricity, reducing the risk of electric shock to the operator.

Why Class C Fire Extinguishers for Electrical Fires?

  1. Non-Conductive Agents: The key feature of Class C fire extinguishers is the use of non-conductive agents. Sodium bicarbonate, for example, is a common agent found in these extinguishers. This chemical does not conduct electricity, making it safe to use on fires involving live electrical equipment or wiring.

  2. Ensuring Operator Safety: When dealing with an electrical fire, it's crucial to prioritize safety. Class C fire extinguishers allow individuals to tackle the fire without having to shut off the power source. This is especially important in situations where cutting the power may not be immediately possible or practical.

  3. Effective Fire Suppression: Class C fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish fires by disrupting the fire triangle, which consists of fuel, heat, and oxygen. By releasing the non-conductive agent, they help smother the flames and cool down the heat source.

Using Class C Fire Extinguishers Safely:

  1. Before attempting to use a fire extinguisher, always call the fire department. Electrical fires can escalate quickly, and professional assistance may be required.

  2. Ensure you are using the correct type of extinguisher. Class C fire extinguishers are labeled clearly, so you can quickly identify them.

  3. Stand at a safe distance from the fire and remember the PASS technique:

    • Pull the pin to unlock the extinguisher.
    • Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.
    • Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent.
    • Sweep from side to side to cover the fire completely.
  4. Evacuate the area if the fire is not quickly extinguished or if it continues to grow. Safety should always be the top priority.

water based fire extinguishers

When using a water-based fire extinguisher to extinguish an electric fire, you need to cut off power before extinguishing it.

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